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Mindfulness Program for Children

Education is the path that our children, grandchildren or nephews take. will follow or what they will be in the future, is decided by several factors and always brings some concern and care to educators.

Mindfulness is a practice that combines the ancestral teachings of kindness, compassion, gratitude and awareness for others and nature, with the proof of results of modern science, which is the reason why Mindfulness is being applied in many Portuguese schools, in England it is part of the school program.

What your child/young person can gain from Mindfulness:

  • Increased levels of attention, essential for learning

  • Resourcesto deal with negative emotions

  • Development of awareness about the world (nature, 

  • Greater awareness of your qualities and emotions.

  • Development of positive emotions (compassion, love, gratitude)

  • Resources to overcome difficulties

How can it be applied mindfulness or trained your child: 

  • Through specific sessions.

  • Through participation in an eight-week program, with weekly sessions of 45 to 60 minutes.


Format: in person or online, it is recommended that at least the first session be in person 

A prior meeting/conversation is suggested to assess needs and plan, for this purpose please contact us by email or by cell phone 937937075

All the best​


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